VINEAS, a collaborative platform

VINEAS is a collaborative platform that brings actors and projects together and allows for knowledge and solutions sharing.

It also provides methodological support for the vine & wine actors willing to search and share knowledge and initiatives around climate change challenges.

Connect to our knowledge base!

VINEAS aims to facilitate the production and sharing of knowledge required to cope with climate change with 6 categories of data :

  • Identifying the actors involved in these issues and highlight your projects
  • Be visible as an active member of the platform
  • Navigating and contributing to the diversity of solutions & levers in the face of climate change
  • Exploring all documents (from scientific literature to videos / re-broadcasts of events) that provide a significant knowledge base ranging from local expertise to research
  • Keeping up to date with the latest news on the subject
  • Giving visibility and be sure to be informed of all the events organized around these challenges
  • Posting your questions, ideas, requests for exchange of experiences etc. in an agora where other users can answer you

Efficiently find the knowledge you are looking for

VINEAS offers you the opportunity to navigate all the questions you may have about Wine & Vine & climate change. A powerful search engine will allow you to search for the corresponding information and initiatives in all the results and resources produced by the user community.

VINEAS enables to explore generic solutions & levers that set the scene on the widespreading variety of levers and types of solution ranging from technical to strategic or planning options. Specific solutions are linked to these generic solutions to explore the diversity of local initiatives and options tested.

Update your data to BOOST your projects' & ideas' visibility !

Are you an actor of the wine & vine sector ? VINEAS allows you to showcase the skills of your organization through a presentation page of your activities, giving you the opportunity to promote yourself locally or internationally and linking it to all your projects, documents, news, events and solutions.

An interactive and user-friendly web portal...

The VINEAS Agora allows you to ask technical questions, to launch a call for applications or partnerships, to reflect on a news or a freshly published document, ... The other members of the ecosystem will be able to answer you directly via comments .

...entirely cartographic:

Developed by INRAE in collaboration with CIRAD and the start-up eKoal, VINEAS is an interactive and collaborative web platform designed to enable actors interested in wine & vine challenges around climate change to find all types of partners, public and/or private, that they are looking for. Understanding "who is doing what" in a region is an important asset to better target quickly the relevant partner networks, the existing projects or initiatives for any new cooperation or knowledge improvements.

The relational mapping allows you to navigate through the relationships of entities referenced in the network. It works in the same way as the geographic mapping. A click in the actor bubble on the map or in the list of results opens the complete file of the actor...

How to use VINEAS? 

User's guide accessible!

An evolving platform dedicated to its users

The VINEAS platform co-designed in the MEDCLIV project is aimed at being further developed with the user community. Ideas for new functionalities, improvements ...? Join us at : contact at

The MEDCLIV project 

Vineas has been developed by the MEDCLIV project funded by the Climate-KIC | The EU’s main climate innovation initiative. Interested ? Look at our MEDCLIV presentation film :

MEDCLIV project - presentation video - YouTube


The scientific Committee

Jean-Marc Touzard (INRAE) is head of the scientific committee.

Nina Graveline (INRAE) is responsible for the platform with a support from Ines Maranon (INRAE)